The Faked Death
Ok, now imagine being pursued by a mad railgun
shooter who will probably kill you with his next hit! How about acting
like dead as his next narrow shoot skims you? Just press the 'A' key and
your player will go down with a heart-rending scream and look like he's
dead... You can wait till the other guy's gone away, then get back up.
But if he's one of those people who immediately tries to "dispose" his
dead opponents with an additional shot he'll start to wonder why this damn
corpse still screams!? It's also bad luck if your heart beat's too loud
or you just have to sneeze, and the others can hear you....hmmm... time
to press 'A' again and keep running! Tip: If you're climbing around with
your grapple and you're using this, don't forget to release the hook! Otherwise
it looks somewhat funny... a swinging corpse in mid-air! :) Another hint:
It's only human that sometimes a player cannot act like a professional
actor in the middle of a hot and strenuous battle... so don't be surprised
if they sometimes exaggerate their death a little bit ( a bad Shakespeare
actor :) |
Command for item: |
bind a "cmd fakedeath"
Predefined key: "a" |
The Cameras
We proudly present our new Chaos Camera, a
semi-intelligent ingame-action camera. It comes in several Cammodes but
I don't think that I have to describe the modes here because the names
are quite self-explanatory.
F5 camera 1 - Intelli Cam
F6 camera 2 - Chase Cam
F7 camera 3 - Birdview Chase Cam
F8 camera 4 - TV Cam
F4 camera 0 - Switch back to normal player mode
Note that to keep up fairness your stats are being reset if you switch
back from cam to player use your prev/next item keys ("[" and "]"
are the default) to toogle through the players while in cam mode 2,3 or
4. |
Command for feature: |
bind F5 camera 1 - Intelli Cam
bind F6 camera 2 - Chase Cam
bind F7 camera 3 - Birdview Chase Cam
bind F8 camera 4 - TV Cam
bind F4 camera 0 - Switch back to normal player mode |
The Personal Teleporter
This is a custom teleporter field that can
be placed anywhere by hitting the 'O' key (uses up 100 cells) Once placed,
if you hit 'O' a second time, you'll be teleported back to that place!
Very nice if you want to get out of trouble quick! BTW: CTF players beware!
You can only teleport yourself, NOT the flag! It will just be dropped at
the place you teleport from... |
Command for item: |
bind o "cmd teleport"
Predefined key: "o" |
The Kamikaze Mode
If you've 10 packs of explosive ammo collectively
(e.g. 6 rockets and 4 grenades) and you prefer to commit suicide instead
of giving another Quaker a frag point you can change into the kamikaze
mode... and maybe can take some enemies with you!... your screen starts
flashing red and a timer counts down from 5 to zero... and together with
a loud "BANZAIIIII" you blow up... I recommend everyone not to be near
you at this moment, because it's VERY unhealthy ;) |
Command for item: |
bind k "cmd kamikaze"
Predefined key: "k" |
The Kick Function
You can now kick EVERYTHING with your feet...
ammo, gibs, dead bodies, opponents, even rockets which fly past you! :)
Just place yourself near enough to the object you want to kick and hit
the 'Insert' key (...the one on the numpad!). I can see that wicked grin
on your face thinking of kicking an opponent who just faked death into
a nearby lava lake (or e.g. two CTF-teammates who got bored during guarding
their flag can start a little soccer game with the skulls of their former
enemies :) |
Command for item: |
bind kp_ins "cmd kick"
Predefined key: "Insert" |
The Manual Vomit
For those people who can't get enough of the
poison grenade: Just press THIS key (e.g. 'V') and enjoy! ;)
(For everyone who is searching the sense of this feature: it's only
a joke!! :) |
Command for item: |
bind v "throwup"
Predefined key: "v" |
Real Life Sounds
We're just in the process of adding sounds
from everyday life into Chaos for your general amusement...or didn't you
ever miss the feeling of having to sneeze right at the moment you sneak
up behind an enemy? They'll be played randomly, so wait and let yourself
be surprised! |
Command for item: |
no command needed |
Hear Your Heartbeat
Yep! For an extra thrill you can now hear
when your health has fallen rapidly. If it drops below 40 you can hear
your heart beating and the less health you have the faster it'll beat!
(...and suddenly, it won't beat at all :) This is both funny and useful:
as an opponent you can hear the your enemies heart if you are standing
near enough to him :) |
Command for item: |
no command needed |
Map Rotation
Yep! We have written a new map rotation system
for v1.1. Start a game, load a map and type "sv ml <maplist_file>" in
the console (you have to be the server admin to do this). <maplist_file>
stands for one of the .txt files in the subdir "maplists" in your Chaos
Deathmatch directory. Just type "sv ml q2dm" for example to load the maplist
q2dm.txt in the maplists directory. The map rotation is NOT active, yet.
To start the rotation type "sv ml <x>" where x stands for:
"1" (sequential rotation)
"2" (random rotation)
"0" (map rotation off).
Feel free to write your own map lists but be sure to use this format:
<mapname>-<ctf><lightsoff>. I.E, chaosdm1-01 stands for
map chaosdm1, ctf off, lightsoff. |
Command for item: |
no command needed |